Progressive Weight Loss Exercise Program

There is a lot of information available on weight loss, especially on how important exercise is. My aim is to outline a specific program that can be used to help lose weight quickly and safely. The basis of the following is cardiovascular type exercises. This means increasing your heart rate to 60-70% of your maximal heart rate, and sustaining this for a minimum of 20 minutes. Depending on your level of fitness, this may mean anything from walking to a moderately paced run up a hill!
To begin with, we need to work out what our target fat burning heart rate is. As mentioned earlier it is 60-70 % of you maximal heart rate. Your max rate is found out using a simple equation, 220 minus your age. For example a 45 year olds max rate would be 220-45 which equals to 175. Then find 60-70 percent of this to get the optimal fat burning rate, which is 105 to 122.5. This can be monitored by a heart rate monitor available from most gym and sporting good stores.
If you do not have access to a heart rate monitor you can estimate by checking your own pulse. Place your index finger at the base of your thumb and you should feel a pulse. Count how many beats you feel in 10 seconds and multiply this number by ten.
The first level of the program is walking, then we move onto jogging, then finally jogging with intermittent increases in speeds, or interval training. You will progress to the next level once you are unable to reach your target pulse at that particular level. For example after walking for 2 months, it may be hard to get your pulse up to 70% even when power walking, therefore you must progress to the next level and start light jogging.
Once you are able to jog at a moderate pace for 20 minutes continuously, and your heart rate is maintained at 60% of you maximum heart rate, we move on to interval training. This is where we combine anaerobic exercises to you running routine. An example of this is every 5 minutes of jogging, you sprint for 30 seconds, then continue jogging. You can also add resistance exercises, for example every 5 minutes of jogging stop and do 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 15 squats and lunges, then immediately continue jogging. As with starting any new exercise program always consult your doctor or physician to ensure it is safe for you to exercise.

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