Weight Loss Tips - Back to Basics (But Essential)

I think people who want to lose weight tend to delve far too deeply into it and over-complicate the matter. This then makes it harder for them to lose weight.
Here are some weight loss tips which go right back to basics, but they are essential in helping to lose weight.

Portion Sizes
Are you eating far to big portion sizes? You need to get a hold on your portion sizes and reduce them right down. Look at your crockery, are you eating off huge big dinner plates? If so, think about getting a smaller dinner plate that way you can still fill the plate full but it will be a smaller portion size since it's on a smaller plate!
It's What You Eat - Not When
You'll hear people saying not to eat after 7.00pm or 8.00pm, however this is not actual scientific evidence to prove eating later in the evening is not good for your wasteline.
You see, your body cannot distinguish between the calories you've consumed before or after a certain time in the day.
However, some food experts say that we are more inclined to eat more at the end of the day. The reason being is that food is easily more available and we tend to give ourselves treats after a long day - and these treats are usually high in calories.
If you must snack late, watch what you are eating. Try something light such as an omelet for instance. It's not advisable to eat stodgy food such as bread since it lies in your stomach and cannot be digested properly.

Milking It!
Don't forget that your body still need the nutrients in milk and dairy products as calcium is essential for good heath. A good guideline is to have 1 pint of skimmed (or 1/2 pint of semi-skimmed) milk and 100g of low fat yoghurt every day.

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