Weight Loss Tips For Obese Kids

A child who is over weight can find life away from the family environment very difficult. The teasing and name calling can be relentless at school and can cause the child to suffer a great amount of anxiety and low self esteem. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our kids stay as fit and healthy as possible and if a child is overweight we have to act quickly to reverse this growing trend. So how can we achieve this?
1. Take a good look at what the child and indeed the whole family eat on a daily basis and answer these questions TRUTHFULLY.
a. How many takeaways are eaten in a week?
b. How many ready meals or fast food meals were consumed in a week?
c. How much chocolate and sweets are consumed in a week?
d. How many fizzy drinks are drank in a week?
e. How many home cooked balanced healthy meals are consumed in a week?
f. How many portions of fresh fruit and vegetables were consumed in a week?

Take the time to write these answers on a piece of paper, to enable you to get an overall picture. If the results shock you, it is time for action!
2. Make the change in life style a family one, so that the child does not feel different - clear out the fridge and get rid of any of the offending items mentioned in the list above. If it is not there it can't be eaten
Get back to basics, there are lots of quick, simple meals which can be prepared from raw ingredients. Try to incorporate lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and lean cuts of meat, poultry and fish. Do not cut out any of the food groups as recommended by some diets! Children need the nutrients found in all types of food for growth and development.
Give the child a packed lunch for school, that way you can control what they eat for lunch.
3. As a parent you have to learn how to say NO to your child. Some children will say they are hungry all the time and would eat constantly if you allow it. Ensure that the child has adequate meals and perhaps a healthy snack say a piece of fruit in between but you must stand firm against the constant moans and groans.
4. Encourage your child to get active. A large percentage of children come home from school and sit in front of a computer or games console until bed time. There are lots of clubs and sports activities run by local authorities or groups which you should have access to. Even just getting out for a kick about with a football in the park is a start. Experts recommend that a child should have a minimum of 1 hours exercise per day. You can build up to this with your child over time.
5. Give your child adequate support. Give praise for each positive achievement no matter how small, the child has to develop confidence in themselves and you can help in this way.
Getting a child to lose weight is not always easy and it may be wise to involve your doctor or another health expert for added support and advice.
It is important however to tackle this problem because the long term effects on your child's health can be devastating.

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