Weight Loss Tips to Kick Start Your Slimming Program

When you are looking to slim down it's always a good idea to have a good think about how you are going to go about it. Gathering as many weight loss tips as you can is a good place to start. Also, have a good look at some of the medical and health news websites because they have some very interesting information which you will find useful. It might take you a bit longer, but you will be much better informed and better able to make an informed decision.
Taking an informed decision can be difficult because we are all bombarded by lots of advertisements about weight loss programs, pills and potions that promise the earth. They are all very convincing, but you do need to have a good look around.
For instance there has been a report produced by the Harvard School of Public Health recently into the effectiveness of the different types of diet that are on the market. They looked at all of them over a period of two years and over 800 people were involved in the trial.
What they discovered was that it really didn't matter which diet you went on, Atkins, low carb, low fat, Zone the results would be very much the same...and the results? They found that weight loss was slight and that the weight came back again in a relatively short period of time. There was no winner among the diets tested.
Actually what this report says is absolutely damning as far as diets are concerned, and this comes on top of the UCLA study that essentially said that diets didn't deliver permanent weight loss. If you had come across this when you were finding out more about how to slim down, you might have been a little confused as to what you should do.
Luckily, there is an answer. If you want to lose weight permanently you have to get rid of the habits that make you fat and learn new habits, slim habits. These slim habits are the key to a slim, diet free life.

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