Weight Loss Tips - You Are What You Eat

The type of foods you eat can have a massive impact on your body weight and your overall health. I am not saying you have to give up burgers or your favourite slice of pizza, but they should be enjoyed in moderation (view them as a reward rather than the norm). Portion size is also very important and you should never eat until you are bloated. Your metabolism will speed up (you will burn more calories) if you eat less but more often.
Before you next go shopping, spend a little time thinking about what healthy and fresh foods you can buy. Stick to your list and try to avoid impulse buys. Here is a few tips to help you put together a healthy grocery list before your next visit to the store:-

1. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, there should be plenty of these bad boys in your basket. Replace your high fat salty and sweet snacks with nourishing fruit and veg that will leave you full and satisfied. make sure you stock up with a good variety to reap the most benefit and ensure you do not become bored to easily. Aim to eat around five portions a day which is not a great deal if you snack on them and add them to meals.

2. Protein rich foods
When it comes to meat you need to stick mainly to poultry and lean meats, limiting your consumption of red meats. Fish, nuts and eggs are also jam packed with protein but try and steer clear of deep fried, breaded and high fat convenience foods that go straight in the oven.
3. Choose your drinks carefully
It goes without saying that water is king so drink lots of it. Low fat milk and fruit juices are excellent choices. If you want to continue drinking fizzy beverages then swap them for the diet sodas which contain very little calories or sugar.

4. Whole grains are your friend
Seek out the products which are made with genuine home grains. They are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and fibre which is sadly lacking in most peoples diet. Whole grains can be found in breakfast cereals, brown bread and pasta.

5. Try Low Fat Dairy
Dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and milk are a great source of calcium but can be high in fat. Look for the low fat dairy products which will contain less calories. Also substitute other foods such as salad.
A little preparation, care and attention when shopping for food will pay off long term. Try and shop more frequently to ensure you can buy as much fresh food as possible. A lot of small changes in your diet will have a massive impact on your weight loss goals.

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